Dynamator Pure HTML for every page generation technology.

Dynamator File



Dynamator File - file defining transformations to be applied by Dynamator to an XML file in order to create a program file.


This document describes the generic format conformed to by all Dynamator Files. Additional features provided for certain target languages are documented elsewhere.

A Dynamator File is an XML file with the following syntax.

  • A * after an element means that it may occur multiple times.
  • A ? after an element means that it may occur zero or one time.
  • An element without a following * or ? must occur exactly one time.
  • A | between element names means that any name may be used.
  • Text in {braces} is specified by the specific Dynamator File filetype.
    default-overrides ?
    | <epilog>
    | <include>
    | <id>
    | <class>
    | <tag>
    | <before-extracts>
    | <after-extracts>

    program-lines *

< id | class | tag >
    <content>...</content> ?
    <raw-content>...</raw-content> ?
    <attr> *
        <if>...</if> ?
        <content>...</content> ?
        <raw-content>...</raw-content> ?
        <discard/> ?
        <rename/> ?
    <if>...</if> ?
    <for>...</for> ?
    <foreach>...</foreach> ?
    <discard/> ?
    <discard-tag/> ?
    <rename/> ?
    <extract/> ?

    <!-- Low-Level Tags -->
    <before>...</before> ?
    <before-content>...</before-content> ?
    <after-content>...</after-content> ?
    <after>...</after> ?
    <raw-attrs> *
< /id | /class | /tag >

    program-lines *

    program-lines *

    program-lines * 

Root Element

    { suffix="output-file-suffix" }
     <!-- Content: 
            ( prolog 
                                             | epilog 
            | include 
            | id 
                                             | class 
                                             | tag 
            | id
            | before-extracts 
                                             | after-extracts
            ) *

The root element is required. It may have the following attributes:

The name of the target language. This value must correspond to a language supported by Dynamator. The following names are currently supported:

This value affects formatting of the output file. It also determines the availability and behavior of features requiring language-awareness such as 'if' and 'foreach'.

If not present or "none", content is assumed to be static; no language-aware features are supported.

The suffix to be given to the output file. The output file name is the same as that of the input file name, except that the suffix is replaced with this attribute's value. If this attribute is not supplied, the suffix defaults to the value of the language attribute. If the language attribute is also not supplied, the suffix defaults to the suffix of the template file.

The filename of the template to be used with this Dynamator file. This attribute is required if the Dynamator file is used as the argument to dynamate. It is ignored if the template file is used as the argument to dynamate.

comment-start="comment start string"
The string used by the target programming language to begin a comment. If not specified, "<--" is used.

comment-end="comment end string"
The string used by the target programming language to end a comment. If not specified, "-->" is used. If comment-start is specified but comment-end is not, comments are assumed to end at the following newline.

The name of the output file to be created. This attribute overrides the 'suffix' attribute.

Default Overrides

The Dynamator file may contain overrides to default values provided by Dynamator. The syntaxes below show the default value. In all cases, a Dynamator file may contain zero or one override to any default value; if more than one is specified, the results are undefined.

exclusive iteration tags


Exclusive iteration tags identify tags that must be placed outside iteration blocks associated with them.

In most cases, generated iteration constructs place the tag associated with the iteration within the iteration block. For example, when producing HTML table rows, the 'foreach' expression is associated with the 'tr' tag, which is repeated for each element of an indexed property.

In exceptional cases, generated iterations must place the tag outside the iteration block. For example, when producing HTML dictionary lists, the 'foreach' expression must be associated with the 'dl' tag, not the 'dt' or 'dd' tag (because there are two of them), but the 'dl' tag is not repeated for each element.

If this element is present in the Dynamator file, the default values are ignored; to add to the default values, specify them in the list for this element.

If more than one value is specified, values should be space-separated.

preformatted tags

<preformattedTags>pre script</preformattedTags>

The 'preformattedTags' element identifies tags for which whitespace is significant.

Dynamator automatically indents child elements and program blocks for readability. This is not a problem for normal HTML or XML, which are not affected by whitespace. But within some tags, whitespace is significant. For example, the HTML 'pre' tag causes text to be rendered as-is, reflecting any whitespace within the block.

If this element is present in the Dynamator file, the default values are ignored; to add to the default values, specify them in the list for this element.

If more than one value is specified, values should be space-separated.

flag attributes

   border checked compact declare disabled ismap
   multiple nohref noresize noshade nowrap readonly
   selected showgrid showgridx showgridy usemap 

The 'flagAttributes' element identifies names of attributes to be treated as flagAttributes.

A flag attribute is an attribute that requires no value. If provided, the value of a flag attribute is always the same as the name of the attribute. XML does not allow flag attributes; they are only valid for HTML.

If this element is present in the Dynamator file, the default values are ignored; to add to the default values, specify them in the list for this element.

If more than one value is specified, values should be space-separated.

id attribute name


The idAttribute override causes the attribute named in its content to be treated like 'id'.

HTML 4.0 defines 'id' as an attribute of most elements. But XML does not. When working with an XML DTD that already defines 'id', it may be useful to ask Dynamator to use another name.

This element causes 'id' elements in the Dynamator file to apply to attributes having the name indicated in the content of this element. For example, "<idAttribute>id_</idAttribute>" causes <id> tags in this document to apply to matching id_ attributes in the corresponding XML file.

class attribute name


The classAttribute override causes the attribute named in its content to be treated like 'class'.

HTML 4.0 defines 'class' as an attribute of most elements. But XML does not. When working with an XML DTD that already defines 'class', it may be useful to ask Dynamator to use another name.

This element causes 'class' elements in the Dynamator file to apply to attributes having the name indicated in the content of this element. For example, "<classAttribute>class_</classAttribute>" causes <class> tags in this document to apply to matching class_ attributes in the corresponding XML file.


  <!-- Content: ( program-lines )* -->

The prolog contains text to be placed as-is at the beginning of the generated file.

A Dynamator file may contain zero or more prologs. Each prolog is placed in the generated file in the order encountered in the Dynamator file. All whitespace within the prolog is retained, including whitespace immediately following the <prolog> tag and whitespace immediately preceding the </prolog> tag.

Program Lines

Program lines are transferred as-is into the output file. In particular, characters that are special to XML, such as '<', do not need to be escaped.


  <!-- Content: ( program-lines )* -->

The epilog contains material to be placed as-is at the end of the generated file.

A Dynamator file may contain zero or more epilogs. Each epilog is placed in the generated file in the order encountered in the Dynamator file. All whitespace within the epilog is retained, including whitespace immediately following the <epilog> tag and whitespace immediately preceding the </epilog> tag.


  <!-- Content: ( program-lines )* -->

The before-extracts element is used with the extract element to specify program lines to be placed immediately before the set of extracts.

A Dynamator file may contain zero or one before-extracts element.


  <!-- Content: ( program-lines )* -->

The after-extracts element is used with the extract element to specify program lines to be placed immediately after the set of extracts.

A Dynamator file may contain zero or one after-extracts element.


<include file="filename" />

The include element causes the content of the referenced file to be included in the referencing file at the location of the include. The referenced file must be a Dynamator file.

filename may be an absolute or relative name. If relative, it is assumed to be relative to the directory containing the Dynamator file.

The include element must be an immediate child of the <dynamator> element.

The included file may contain <include> elements.


<id name="name">
    <!-- Content: 
      ( attr*, content?, ( for? | foreach? ), if?, discard?, discard-tag? )

The 'id' element controls processing of the HTML element associated with a certain id. An 'id' element maps to an 'id' attribute declared within the HTML page or XML file. The content of the 'id' element is applied to the HTML or XML element having a matching 'id' attribute.

The 'id' element must have the following attribute:

The value of the 'id' attribute within the HTML or XML page. It is not an error if an id with this name does not appear in the HTML or XML document.


<class name="name>
    <!-- Content: 
      ( attr*, content?, ( for? | foreach? ), if?, discard?, discard-tag? )

The 'class' element controls processing of HTML elements associated with a certain class. A 'class' element maps to 'class' attributes declared within the HTML page or XML file. The content of the 'class' element is applied to any HTML or XML element having a matching 'class' attribute. If more than one element ('class' or 'id') in the Dynamator file applies to the same HTML or XML element, the effect is additive, with overrides having the same name applied so that 'id' has precedence over 'class', and earlier classes listed within the element's attribute value have precedence.

The 'class' element must have the following attribute:

The value of the 'class' attribute within the HTML or XML page. Class attribute values defined in the HTML or XML page must be space-separated. It is not an error if a class with this name does not appear in the HTML or XML document.


<tag tag="name"...>
    <!-- Content: 
      ( attr*, content?, ( for? | foreach? ), if?, discard?, discard-tag? )

The 'tag' element identifies elements by tag name and attributes. It is especially useful for tags for which 'id' or 'class' is invalid, where it is possible to identify a single tag occurrence based on attribute values.

The 'tag' element must have at least one of the following attributes:

The tag name of an element within the HTML or XML template. If multiple 'tag' elements specify the same value for this attribute, earlier elements have precedence. If the value of this attribute is '*', this element applies to every element in the template. It is not an error if a tag with this name does not appear in the HTML or XML document. It is not an error if multiple tags with this name appear in the HTML or XML document.

with-attr="name1 name2 ..."
A space-separated list of one or more attribute names that must be specified by an element within the HTML or XML template for this tag element to match.

without-attr="name1 name2 ..."
A space-separated list of one or more attribute names that must not be specified by an element within the HTML or XML template for this tag element to match.

Any attribute name, with any value. The 'tag' element is applied only to tags in the template file having an attribute with the name and value specified. (Note that "attrname" above is not a specific attribute name, but is replaced with the name of the attribute to be matched.)

A 'tag' element applies to any tag in the template file for which all of the following are true:

  • If the value of the 'tag' attribute is not "*", the name of the HTML/XML tag matches the value of the 'tag' attribute.
  • For each attribute of the tag element in the Dynamator file (except for the 'tag' attribute), the HTML/XML tag has a corresponding attribute with the same value. The HTML/XML tag may have other attributes not specified in the tag element.
  • For each word in the 'with-attr' attribute of the tag element, the HTML/XML tag has a corresponding attribute with the same name. The HTML/XML tag may have other attributes not specified in the 'with-attr' attribute.
  • For each word in the 'without-attr' attribute of the tag element, the HTML/XML tag does not have a corresponding attribute with the same name.

For example:

<tag tag="title">
Applies to all 'title' tags in the template file.

<tag tag="meta" http-equiv="Refresh">
Applies to any tag in the template file having a name of 'meta' and an 'http-equiv' attribute with a value of 'Refresh'.

<tag tag="a" with-attr="href">
Applies to all <a href="..."> tags, but no <a name="..."> tags.

<tag tag="td" with-attr="class" without-attr="id">
Applies to all <td> tags that have a class attribute but do not have an id attribute.


<attr name="name"
    <!-- Content: 
          ( (content 
                                             | raw-content)?, 


The 'attr' element specifies behavior for an attribute of an HTML tag. An attribute may be added, removed, changed, or made conditional. An 'attr' element must be immediately subordinate to an id, class, or tag element.

An 'attr' element maps to an attribute of the tag identified by the parent 'id', 'class', or 'tag' element. The attribute does not need to exist in the template file.

The 'attr' element has the following attributes:

The name of the attribute. If multiple 'attr' elements within the same parent element specify the same value for this attribute, results are undefined.


    <!-- Content: program-expression -->

The 'content' element specifies dynamic content to be substituted for the original content of an HTML element or attribute. A 'content' element must be immediately subordinate to an id, class, tag, or attr element.

The content of an element is everything between the element's start and end tags. Dynamator replaces the content of the HTML/XML element corresponding to the 'content' element's parent with program code that at runtime outputs the value of program-expression.

An HTML flag attribute (i.e. an attribute that has no value) may be added to a tag by specifying the flag attribute name as the content value.

If a 'content' and a 'raw-content' element are specified for the same template element, the results are undefined.

A 'content' element must not be empty.

When used within an 'id', 'class', or 'tag' element, the content of the corresponding element is replaced with the content of this element.

When used within an 'attr' element, the value of the corresponding attribute is given the content of this element. If the attribute is not in the original HTML, it is added.

Text within a 'content' element is treated as CDATA; that is, it may contain special characters such as '<'.

Template Attribute Value Substitution

When used within an 'attr' element, the content and raw-content elements may contain references to the original attribute value. This can be especially useful for href's, which often change between a static site and a live site.

[[@]] Replaced by the original value of the attribute.

[[@/a/b/]] Replaced by the original value of the attribute, with all occurrences of string 'a' replaced with string 'b'. For example, if the attribute value is 'index.html', and the content value is 'response.encodeURL("[[@/.html/.jsp]]")', the result is 'response.encodeURL("index.jsp")'.
[[@/a/b/+/c/d/]] Replaced by the original value of the attribute, with all occurrences of string 'a' replaced with string 'b', then all occurrences of string 'c' replaced with string 'd'. An unlimited of replacement pairs may be specified. Replacement is performed in the order listed.



The 'discard' element causes the referenced template element and its children to be removed from the output file.

A 'discard' element must be immediately subordinate to an id, class, tag, or attr element.



The 'discard-tag' element causes an HTML or XML tag, but not its content, to be removed from the output file. The element's start and close tags are removed, but the element's content is retained.

A 'discard-tag' element must be immediately subordinate to an id, class, or tag element.


<rename to="new-name"/>

The 'rename' element causes the name of an HTML or XML element or attribute to be changed upon output. The attribute or tag and optional close-tag for the element are output with the name new-name.

A 'rename' element must be immediately subordinate to an id, class, tag, or attr element.

If more than one 'rename' element applies to the same tag or attribute, results are undefined.


<extract { to-file="extract-file-name"}>
  <!-- Content: ( program-lines )* -->

The 'extract' element causes an HTML or XML element or attribute to be moved to the end of the file, or to another file entirely.

If the 'to-file' attribute is present, the extracted element is moved to the file named by its value. If the file is a relative path, the path is relative to the current output file.

If the 'to-file' attribute is not present, the extracted element is moved to the end of the file, immediately before the epilog. The content of the before-extracts element, if present, is placed before the first extract, and the content of the after-extracts element, if present, is placed after the last extract.

The content of the 'extract' element consists of optional program lines that replace the extracted element.

The 'extract' element is useful for program logic requiring recursion, when the language does not allow inline function definition. It is ideal for XSL, which often requires recursion. The 'extract' element without 'to-file' is incompatible with JSP, because JSP does not convert static content outside of the main template block. (Use a recursively invoked inline class instead.)

An 'extract' element must be immediately subordinate to an id, class, or tag element.


    <!-- Content: program-conditional-expression -->

The 'if' element causes the referenced template element and its children to be output by the server page only if program-conditional-expression evaluates to 'true' at run-time.

An 'if' element must be immediately subordinate to an id, class, tag, or attr element.

As a special case, the value "<if>false</if>" causes the element and all its children to be omitted from the generated file. (This provides the creator of the Dynamator file a mechanism similar to that provided to the template author through the "Discard" class.)

Text within an 'if' element is treated as CDATA; that is, it may contain special characters such as '<'.


    <!-- Content: 
      <if>conditional-expression</if>  -->

A 'for' element outputs a 'for' block in the target language, causing the referenced template element and its content to be output multiple times.

A 'for' element must be immediately subordinate to an id, class, or tag element.

The content of the element is the text that appears after the target language's 'for' keyword. The content may optionally contain an <if> element specifying a conditional expression. If present, this condition is evaluated for each iteration; the referenced template element and its content are output only if the condition is true.


      { type="program-collection-type-name" }
      { element="element-variable-name" }
      { i="iteration-variable-name" }
      { collection="collection-variable-name" }
    <!-- Content: 
      <if>conditional-expression</if>  -->

A 'foreach' element causes the referenced template element and its children to be output once for each element of a collection.

A 'foreach' element must be immediately subordinate to an id, class, or tag element.

The target collection is identified by the content of the 'foreach' element, which must be a program expression that evaluates to a collection.

The 'foreach' element's content may optionally contain an <if> element specifying a conditional expression. If present, this condition is evaluated for each iteration; the referenced template element and its content are output only if the condition is true.

Most of the attributes of this element specify variable names for generated code. Although Dynamator can generate variable names when none are supplied, readability of the generated code is greatly improved if names are supplied.

The 'foreach' element may have the following attributes:

(Required for typed target languages such as Java; not available for all languages)
Identifies the type of the program-collection-expression. The value of this attribute is target-language-specific.

(Required for most languages; not available for all languages)
Identifies the name of the program variable that refers to the current element of the collection.

(Optional; not available for all languages)
Identifies the name of the iteration variable. The iteration variable is in scope for the duration of the iteration. Its value is the number of times the iteration block has been completed (i.e. the offset into the collection).

Dynamator generates code that uses this variable only for sequences that can be accessed using a numeric index. If not specified, Dynamator generates a name.

If specified for a collection type that does not require it, Dynamator generates code to declare and increment the variable so that it is available within the iteration block.

(Optional; not available for all languages)
Identifies the name of the program variable that references the collection. If this attribute is not specified, Dynamator generates a name from program-collection-expression.

foreach (sequenced)

The sequenced form of the 'foreach' element has been deprecated. Use the for element instead.

      { step="increment-value-expression" }

The sequenced form of the 'foreach' element allows generation of a 'for' construct in languages that support it. Since different languages use different forms of this construct, the specific meaning of an element depends on the target language.

For C-like languages, the form is

for ( first; last; step )

For VB-like languages, the form is

for i = first to last step step

The sequenced values form of the 'foreach' element takes no element content. It takes the following attributes:

(Used only if supported by the target language's generator.)
The name of the iteration variable. The value of the iteration variable changes with each iteration. It is initialized to 'first' and incremented by the value of 'step'.

A program language string identifying the value to which the iteration variable will be initialized for the first iteration. In C-like languages, this should take a form like 'i = n'. In VB-like languages, this should be a program language expression yielding a value that can be assigned to 'i'.

A program language string identifying the value of the iteration variable for the last iteration. In C-like languages, this should take a form like 'i < n'. In VB-like languages, this should be a program language expression yielding a value that can be compared against 'i'.

(Required for C-like languages; optional for VB-like languages)
A program language string identifying the means of incrementing the iteration variable between iterations. In C-like languages, this should take a form like '++i'. In VB-like languages, this should be a program expression yielding a value that can be added to 'i'.

Low-Level Tags

Low-level tags provide the ability to directly insert code before and after tags and their corresponding end tags. They are provided for completeness, but they should be avoided if a higher-level tag will do.


<before { indent="yes" } { indent-program="yes" }>
    <!-- Content: target-file-text -->

The 'before' element is a low-level element that places its contents directly before the referenced tag and any generated code that may be placed before the tag. It may be used to directly insert code in front of a tag. The content of the 'before' element is copied as-is to the generated file.

A 'before' element must be immediately subordinate to an id, class, or tag element.

Text within a 'before' element is treated as CDATA; that is, it may contain special characters such as '<'.

The 'before' element has the following attribute:

Indents the element referenced by the 'before' element, and its content.
Indents the program lines that output the element referenced by the 'before' element, and the program lines that output the element's content. Has effect only for target languages that support program lines that may be indented. (For example, this attribute affects Java, but not JSP, output.)


<before-content { indent="yes" } { indent-program="yes" }>
    <!-- Content: target-file-text -->

The 'before-content' element is a low-level element that places its contents directly after the referenced tag and before any content or generated code after the tag. It may be used to directly insert code or text immediately after a tag. The content of the 'before-content' element is copied as-is to the generated file.

A 'before-content' element must be immediately subordinate to an id, class, or tag element.

Text within a 'before-content' element is treated as CDATA; that is, it may contain special characters such as '<'.

The 'before-content' element has the following attribute:

Indents the content of the element referenced by the 'before' element.
Indents the program lines that output the content of the element referenced by the 'before' element. Has effect only for target languages that support program lines that may be indented. (For example, this attribute affects Java, but not JSP, output.)


<raw-content { indent="yes" } >
    <!-- Content: target-file-text -->

The 'raw-content' element is a low-level element that replaces the content of the corresponding template element with its content. It may be used to directly insert code or text to replace the original content of the element. The content of the 'raw-content' element is copied as-is to the generated file.

When used within an 'id', 'class', or 'tag' element, the content of the corresponding element is replaced with the content of this element. When used within an 'attr' element, the value of the corresponding attribute is given the content of this element. If the attribute is not in the original HTML, it is added.

If a 'content' and a 'raw-content' element are specified for the same template element, the results are undefined.

An 'raw-content' element must be immediately subordinate to an id, class, or tag element.

Text within an 'raw-content' element is treated as CDATA; that is, it may contain special characters such as '<'.


    <!-- Content: target-file-text -->

The 'after' element is a low-level element that places its contents directly after the end-tag corresponding to the referenced tag and any generated code that may be placed after the tag. It may be used to directly insert code following an end-tag. The content of the 'after' element is copied as-is to the generated file.

An 'after' element must be immediately subordinate to an id, class, or tag element.

Text within an 'after' element is treated as CDATA; that is, it may contain special characters such as '<'.


<after-content >
    <!-- Content: target-file-text -->

The 'after-content' element is a low-level element that places its contents directly after the contents of the end-tag corresponding to the referenced tag and before any generated code associated with the end tag corresponding to the referenced HTML tag. It may be used to directly insert code immediately before an end tag. The content of the 'after-content' element is copied as-is to the generated file.

An 'after-content' element must be immediately subordinate to an id, class, or tag element.

Text within an 'after-content' element is treated as CDATA; that is, it may contain special characters such as '<'.


<raw-attrs { space="yes" } >
    <!-- Content: target-file-text -->

The 'raw-attrs' element is a low-level element that places its contents at the end of the attribute list for a tag. It may be used to add attributes to a tag at run-time.

No checking is provided for invalid attribute list syntax or duplicate attribute names.

A 'raw-attrs' element must be immediately subordinate to an id, class, or tag element.

Text within an 'raw-attrs' element is treated as CDATA; that is, it may contain special characters such as '<'. (However, note that such characters are invalid as attribute values.)

The 'raw-attrs' element has the following attribute:

Indicates that a space should not be inserted before the content of the raw-attrs element. Use this attribute when the content of the raw-attrs element is a program expression that may not output any attributes. This ensures that an HTML tag does not have a space before the close '>', which would be invalid.


This document uses the following special terms to denote varieties of expressions allowed within a Dynamator file:

A program expression. Text within a program-expression is treated as CDATA; that is, it may contain special characters such as '<'.

A program-expression that evaluates to a value with a type of Object[], Enumeration, Vector, Dictionary, or Properties.

A program-expression that evaluates to a value with a type of boolean.

Text that is output as-is to the target file. Target file text is treated as CDATA; that is, it may contain special characters such as '<'.


dynamate, Dynamator File for Unspecified Languages, Dynamator File for JSP, Dynamator File for Java, Dynamator File for XSL, Dynamator File for PHP, Dynamator File for ASP

Author: Jay Dunning
Version: 1.5
Copyright: 2000-2004, Jay Dunning