Dynamator Pure HTML for every page generation technology.

Quick Start

  1. Download Dynamator.
  2. Download JTidy.
  3. If your JDK predates 1.4, download Xerces-J.
  4. Add downloaded JARs to your classpath. For example:
    DOS: autoexec.bat
    SET CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;d:/dynamator-1.5/dynamator.jar
    SET CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;d:/xerces-1_1_3/xerces.jar
    SET CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;d:/jtidy/lib/tidy.jar
    UNIX: .profile
    export CLASSPATH
  5. Verify your installation by trying to recreate a generated file in the examples directory:
    prompt> cd examples/jsp
    prompt> cp HelloWorld.jsp HelloWorld.jsp.original
    prompt> java dynamate HelloWorld.html
    prompt> diff HelloWorld.jsp HelloWorld.jsp.original

    Only the generation timestamp should be different.

    If you are using jview instead of java on Windows, and you get the error 'class not found' for some class in a java package, run clspack -auto to create the classes.zip file required by jview.

  6. To use Dynamator with Ant:
      <taskdef name="dynamate" classname="dynamator.ant.DynamateTask">
          <pathelement location="lib/dynamator.jar"/>
          <pathelement location="lib/Tidy.jar"/>
          <!-- add xerces.jar and xml-apis.jar for JDK 1.1-1.3 -->
        Convert HTML files in directory tree 'html' to JSP using
        corresponding Dynamator files in directory tree 'dyn', 
        removing HTML indentation and comments, and placing
        output into directory tree 'htdocs'.
        Check timestamps of dynamator include files (suffix '.dyninclude')
        as well as HTML and Dynamator files.
  7. Read the 20 minute Guide.
  8. Take a look at the examples. (There are many more JSP examples in the distribution.)
  9. Print out the Dynamator Quick Reference.
  10. Read the Dynamator syntax documentation, and the program-language-specific documentation for the server pages technology you will be using.
  11. Read the tutorial (in the distribution) for detailed information about common HTML and XML transformations.