<%-- generated by Dynamator Wed Mar 31 19:15:35 CST 2004 --%><%@ page session="false" %><%@ page contentType="text/plain" %><%@ page import="java.util.Hashtable" %><%! private static final Hashtable dictionary = new Hashtable(); static { dictionary.put( "marker", "An invisible HTML element or attribute that identifies a " + "location in an HTML file. The HTML 4.0 markers are " + "div, span, id, and class."); dictionary.put( "locator", "An element in a Dynamator annotations file that identifies " + "the set of elements to which a set of overrides will apply."); dictionary.put( "prolog", "The beginning of the generated file, before the template."); dictionary.put( "epilog", "The end of the generated file, after the template."); dictionary.put( "override", "An element in a Dynamator annotations file that specifies " + "a set of changes to be applied to the template. " + "(AKA \"modifier\")"); dictionary.put( "template", "The file containing the static text pattern to be output " + " by the generated program. "); } %> <% { java.util.Dictionary $dictionary = dictionary; String entry; String entryKey; java.util.Enumeration $dictionaryKeys = $dictionary.keys(); while ( $dictionaryKeys.hasMoreElements() ) { entryKey = (String) $dictionaryKeys.nextElement(); entry = (String) $dictionary.get(entryKey); %><%= entry %><% } } %>