<%@ Language=VBScript %>
Dim terms(5)
Dim item
terms(0) = "epilog|The end of the generated file, after the template."
terms(1) = "locator|An element in a Dynamator annotations file that identifies the set of elements to which a set of overrides will apply."
terms(2) = "marker|An invisible HTML element or attribute that identifies a location in an HTML file."
terms(3) = "override|An element in a Dynamator annotations file that specifies a set of changes to be applied to the template."
terms(4) = "prolog|The beginning of the generated file, before the template."
terms(5) = "template|The file containing the static text pattern to be output by the generated program."
Mid(item, 1, InStr(item, "|")-1)
Mid(item, InStr(item, "|")+1)