<%-- generated by Dynamator Wed Mar 31 19:16:33 CST 2004 --%> <%! private static class Element { private String name_; private Element[] children_ = {}; public Element( String name ) { name_ = name; } public Element( String name, Element[] children ) { name_ = name; children_ = children; } public String name() { return name_; } public Element[] children() { return children_; } } private static Element root = new Element("Animals", new Element[] { new Element("Vertebrates", new Element[] { new Element("Warm-blooded", new Element[] { new Element("Mammals"), new Element("Birds") } ), new Element("Cold-blooded", new Element[] { new Element("Fish"), new Element("Reptiles") } ) } ), new Element("Invertebrates", new Element[] { new Element("Arthropods", new Element[] { new Element("Crustaceans"), new Element("Insects") } ) } ) } ); private static interface ElementOutputter { void output( JspWriter out, Element element ) throws java.io.IOException; } %> Taxonomy

<%= "An Informal Taxonomy of the Animal Kingdom" %>

<%= root.name() %>

<% ElementOutputter elementOutputter = new ElementOutputter() { public void output( JspWriter out, Element element ) throws java.io.IOException { %> <% } }; elementOutputter.output(out, root); %>